Friday, July 14, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Jeong Soo podcast to her parents in Korea

this is an audio post - click to play

Radio Hosanna Live From Camp Lutherhill

this is an audio post - click to play

Radio Hosanna, Lutherhill Cabin Leaders Interview

this is an audio post - click to play

Confirmation to begin.

Our confirmation program will be starting with a 06-07 orientation meeting on August 16 at 7:00. The program is for all 7th and 8th graders. The program is open to non-members. Parents and students need to attend this orientation. Manager this year is Bernie Brown

Thoughts that seem important by Pastor David Tart

I am writing this article from at Camp Lutherhill near La Grange. I am here with 16 of our young people. I hope that you have been enjoying the “live” evening broadcasts of them sharing their day on our “cyberline blog”. What a delight it has been to see them having fun and learning about the awesome love of God. As a retired summer camp worker I find great satisfaction in watching children enjoy what other children have enjoyed through the years. The magic of Bible Camp lasts from generation to generation.

The teaching theme for this week is “Jesus Meets Us”. We have been learning how Jesus meets us in the outstretched hands of others. He meets us when two different people find unity. He meets us whenever compassion for others appears in our lives. We are trying to impress upon the children to find times during the day to see how Jesus meets them. Jesus is with us not in some mystical and mysterious way, but in the love that is always being shared.

An important focus for us to find this Jesus who meets us is the gift of being in the present. So often we are thinking about other things that we fail to see the Jesus who comes to us in the moment. So many worries and anxieties can distract us from seeing the Jesus who meets us in a kindness shown to us. Also, we can also miss opportunities for Jesus to meet others through us by our own actions and words. We all need to open our eyes to the Jesus who meets us and to open our eyes for opportunities for others to meet Jesus through us. We repeat a little litany to each other at camp. Someone asks, “Where are you?” and the other responds, “I am right here and right now.”

Remember: Be here right now

Sunday, July 09, 2006