Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Congress Encourages IRA Gifts by People Over Age 70 1/2

I recieved this from our synod office.

Talk about a senior discount!

Congress has revised the tax law to permit donors over age 70 1/2 to make charitable gifts through their IRAs. The new law states that people age 70 1/2 and older can instruct IRA trustees to make transfers to organizations they support without incurring taxable income on those amounts. Up to $100,000 can be given in this manner, both in 2006 and 2007.

No income tax deductions are available for IRA gifts, but IRA donors can still save significant taxes. In fact, making charitable contributions through your IRA in 2006 and 2007 can enable you to increase the size of gift.

How does the new law let me increase my gifts?

IRA funds are heavily taxed whenever you draw them out, at rates as high as 35%. What's more, the tax burden never goes away - even your heirs will pay income tax on IRA funds they receive from your estate, and federal estate taxes may apply as well.

During 2006 and 2007 you have a satisfying alternative: Instead of sending so much tax off to Washington, DC, you can divert the tax collector's "take" from your IRA to a worthwhile cause.

Suppose you ordinarily send Concordia a check for $1,000 every year. Instead of writing a check, you instruct your IRA trustee to send us $1,333 (assuming you are in the 25% tax bracket.) If you had withdrawn $1,000 from you account, the tax would have been $333 in a 25% bracket. That $333 now can be used to advance our mission - and you will have increased your support by one-third, all paid for by the IRS. The chart below provides other examples and additional detail.

Giving Through Your IRA
If Your Anticipated 2006 Gift Would Have Been:
$100 $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000
Tax Bracket You Can Increase to This Amount - Free - by Giving Through Your IRA
15% $117 $588 $1,176 $5,882 $11,764
25 133 666 1,333 6,666 13,333
28 139 694 1,390 6,944 13,888
33 149 746 1,490 7,462 14,925
35 153 769 1,538 7,692 15,384

To calculate different IRA gift amounts than those shown, simply divide your normal gift amount by 1.0 minus your tax bracket. For example a person in the 28% bracket who usually give $1,200 could give $1,200 divided by 0.72, or $1,667, through an IRA at no additional cost. For unmarried taxpayers, the 15% tax bracket begins at $7,550 of taxable income; 25% at $30,650; 28% at $74,200; 33% at $154,800 and 35% at $336,550. For joint returns, the 15% bracket starts at $15,100; 25% at $61,300; 28% at $123,700; 33% at $188,450; 35% at $336,550.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Proposal from the Bishop

I recieved this email from the Bishop. If you think this is something that Hosanna should support, contact Jeff Hartmann or myself- Pastor Tart

This note is a follow-up from the conversation we had at the Theological Conference earlier this week. For those who were not able to attend, I will begin with a brief explanation and then provide suggestions and directions for responses.

Mission Partner Congregations for Galilean, La Place, LA

Galilean Lutheran, La Place, is in need of about 20 “Mission Partner” congregations for the next three years. This congregation, which is more than 20 years old, has never been able to take the step of refinancing the lease from Mission Investment Fund into a self-sustaining loan. We’ve worked to accomplish that goal for over ten years with intentional plans (usually in a two year cycle), but each time we come to the place where the loan is to be issued, something has interrupted the process. MIF has now determined they can no longer continue holding the lease on the property and will either have to sell the property OR Galilean will have to find a way to take out a loan and begin to service it as owners of the property.

The Post-Katrina reality of La Place is that about 15,000 – 18,000 new residents have arrived in town. The area just west of Kenner and about 50 miles east of Baton Rouge is a place where these dislocated folks have now settled. The vineyard has grown substantially and the harvest is ripe – to use a couple of familiar images. We don’t want to lose this opportunity in terms of our Lutheran presence and witness.

I have identified a pastor who the call committee at Galilean is interviewing. She and I talked today and she is very excited about the possibility of coming to lead this congregation into the future God has planned for it. They have invited her back for an second interview and she will lead worship for them on February 11th. She is a second career pastor (who served 12 years as a legislator in the Wisconsin State Congress) and is mature in many good ways – an excellent match for the context.

I have committed to provide the financial resources for her compensation package for the first year out of funds received for recovery and relief from the hurricanes. However, the congregation needs some assistance, still, in getting the loan in place and serving it so they can gain some momentum and strength to grow and become fully self supporting in the three year window.

The Proposal:

I am asking each of you to discern and invite your congregation to become one of those Mission Partner Congregations. The commitment would involve providing $200 to $500 per month for three years to help them qualify and service the loan. Their debt is still fairly significant (somewhere in the $350,000 – 400,000 range I believe. (This was one of the “Fast Start Congregations” the former LCA developed – which meant land was purchased, a building put up, a pastor called and then the pastor was to grow the congregation. And, “oh by the way, you also have a mortgage of several hundred thousand” – which turned out to be a burden of such immensity that we’ve closed 3 or 4 of those fast starts since I’ve been bishop already. We’d like to keep our presence in La Place if at all possible.)

Will you please ask your congregation to consider becoming one of the mission partner congregations?

The Process

We will ask you, as a congregation, to sign a very simply document making the commitment to be a Mission Partner and indicating the amount you will provide each month for 3 years.

The check each month will be sent directly to Galilean, marked as a Mission Partner gift. The funds will not be restricted, per se, but the intention is that the first funds received will always be applied to the new loan. Any other funds will then be used for compensation for the pastor (and other staff as that grows into place) as well as for programming, etc.

As noted above, I’m going to provide the bulk of the funds for the compensation of the pastor for the first year. When years two and three arrive, they will have to be prepared to step in and provide that on their own – but perhaps, then, with the mission partner support. By year four, it is hoped they will be fully self-supporting in every way.

I am convinced that a three year window is a reasonable time line for this to allow them to become financially capable, solid in ministry, etc. If that does not prove to be the case, then the next bishop and other leaders will have to make a decision about whether to keep this ministry there or not. But, that’s not where we want to head or are heading now.

A Response:

When you have made a determination about being a mission partner in this situation, would you kindly contact me at the synod office? (Even if you choose not to participate, let me know, so I can gage where we are in the process, etc.) For your information, I received a phone call last Sunday night from a friend in Henning, Minnesota. They learned about this situation and at their congregational meeting, our friend made a motion to become a mission partner with La Place and it was adopted with enthusiasm. So, as members of the same synodical body I’m inviting you, now, to take this step forward together.

Thanks, in advance, and I’ll look forward to hearing from you. Please let me know by April 1st at the latest.

Paul Blom, Bishop

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sunday School Teacher breakfast

On February 25th at 9:30 am I would like to meet with all teachers/persons who work with Akaloo. This is a chance for me to hear your comments and concerns about this program. Please come with your appetite and your opinion. It is important that we hear what you have to say before we make decisions about next years curriculum. We can also look over the sight together to discuss areas you may be having problems using.

CREW visit to TLU

This is for all Jr.s and Sr.s (who haven't chosen a college yet). We will be visiting TLU on April 21. This is a Saturday trip with a possible stay over in Austin. We will be home by lunch on Sunday at the latest. Cost will be $25 per kid for gas and food. This is a chance to see the campus, meet staff, and find out about financial aid and answer other questions you may have. Please let me know if you would like to go with me by emailing me at

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CREW Sunday, Jan 28th

We have someone new coming this Sunday night. Carey Jones is a new member at Hosanna, and wife of Angela and father of Bria, who will begin meeting with the CREW once/month for outdoor game night. Carey has a gift for athletics and will be sharing this with the CREW beginning this Sunday. Please come out to play and welcome him as a sponsor. Thank you Carey!

Order your spring CREW shirt

This is for all CREW members and anyone else who would like a CREW t-shirt. We will be ordering our spring T on Feb 28th. The cost is $11 per shirt. You have the option of hot pink or navy blue with 'CREW' printed on the front in white. For questions email me at or place your order in the green sheet and make checks payabe to Hosanna Youth. Orders can not be made w/o payment. Thanks!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Natural Church Development

At our February 11 congregation meeting the council will present a strategy for church growth called, “Natural Church Development”. At the heart of NCD is releasing the potential that all churches have to grow. Instead of focusing on numerical growth, NCD leads congregations to concentrate on the quality of their ministries. In particular, the principle is that healthy churches grow.
NCD identifies 8 characteristics of healthy churches and provides an ongoing survey that evaluates the quality of these characteristics in the congregation. These results are then processed by the leadership and the leadership implements improvements. The result is an ongoing process of surveys and responses.
NCD reports that the average growth for congregations between the 1st and 3rd survey is 51%. For more information, go to the NCD website,
At the meeting we will presenting more information and have opportunity for questions. -Pastor Tart

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Camp Lutherhill Registration

Don't forget to register your child for Lutherhill this summer. Confirmands will be going the week of Jun 17th. Alpha, youngins, and yearlins will be leaving on July 29th. You may register online or see Debbie Escovy for forms. If we pay by Feb 4th we will receive a $25 discount per youth. Each child will also receive a $75 subsidy from the church. This is a wonderful place where your child can make wonderful memories.

Ash Wednesday for Families & Children

Please join us in beginning the season of Lent on February 21st at 6:15 pm with our Ash Wednesday service for everyone, especially Families with younger children. This service is shorter in length and uses the children in primary roles through out the service. This is something that myself and Gay love preparing and hope you will find time to attend this year. It is a vital date in the church year and something families will find very meaningful to share with their children. Please contact Gay or Amber with questions and hope to see you that evening.

February Family Life News

CREW: Let's meet like we always do on Sunday, Feb. 4 at Denny's. I am not teaching, so I will be there! If you are going on the mission trip this summer you need to be here on Sat teh 3rd to prep for the buffalo wings, then be ready to work on Sunday to deliver them to the congregation. Big thanks to Tripp and Pam for their continued support on this fundraiser. Feb 16th Abby Brown, Laura Greer, Christine Carter, and Marquette Henderson will be working at the Sr. High Gathering. Please keep them in your prayers as they share their gifts with the youth of our synod.

Calling all youth! Would you like to be in an Easter play? If you can be hear on Easter Sunday morning and like to act, please see Amber about volunteering for this event. I am also looking for a couple of adults to lead this activity

Confirmation Class will meet with me on Feb 28 at 7 pm. We will have a game night, so bring your favorite game to share!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the past advent season so wonderful and such a success. Thanks to Jennifer Loof for the wonderful Christmas Eve bags for the kids. A special thanks to the kids who performed at The Family service on Christmas Eve. You guys were great!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Stewardship Thoughts for Lent

"My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action." (I John 3:18)

The church season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 21. Often people approach this season with thoughts of what they will “give up” for the 40 days of Lent. The November issue of the "Lutheran" magazine suggested another alternative. As an antidote to the powerful pull of consumerism, the author noted that she follows the practice of “giving away” something during each day of Lent. This might be a donation to a cause, giving a friend something they have admired, or searching for items which an organization like Northwest Assistance Ministries could put to good use. It sounds like a powerful way to put God's love for us into action.

“Crown Him the Lord of Love” Lenten Series,

Note that we are meeting on Wednesdays this year. Schedule is 6:45 soup supper, 7:00 worship

We will be reading from a chapter of 1 John each week. I invite you to read the chapter of the week before worship. I will be using selected verses for my preaching text. The preaching themes for each week are as follows:

February 21: “Perfect Love Casts out Fear”
February 28: John 1, “Walking in the light of forgiveness”
March 7: John 2, “Abiding in love for others”
March 14: John 3 “Living out of love”
March 21: John 4 “The God of Love”
March 28: John 5 “The boldness of Love”

Ash Wednesday Service, February 21 7:30pm

We will have our Service withe Imposition of Ashes on February 21. Communion will also be celebrated. The theme of our Lenten Journey is "Crown Him the Lord of Love: A study of 1 John" by Pastor Tart.

Thoughts that seem important by Pastor Tart

“Perfect love Casts out Fear” 1 John 4:18
Our Lenten journey that begins in February will center on this verse from 1 John. So much of our lives can be dominated by fear. We can be afraid of failure, afraid of being alone, afraid of suffering, afraid of dying, afraid of poverty and so forth. Many will advocate that faith and courage are the response to such fears. We are told that we should trust more and raise our heads in anticipation of God’s goodness.
For the writer of 1 John this is not his answer. Instead, for him the answer to fear is love. By loving the world, loving others and knowing that God and others love us, we can overcome our fears. If you know that you are loved, that others care for you and that your primary purpose is to love others, than those things that scares us can lose their power. We turn lives from being inward to lives that are pointed outward. For instance, if we are afraid of being alone in our lives and instead of falling into fear we fall into love, we will reach out to others in kindness and service. When we reach out to others in kindness and service our loneliness will subside. Love will cast out the fear.

Thus the question we have to answer everyday is, “Do we live in fear or do we live in love?” If we live in fear, we turn inward sometimes with painful consequences. If we live in love, we will find the joy of the lord.

I hope that you will make the Lenten journey with us as we explore this in more detail. Ash Wednesday is February 21.

Remember: Do you live in love or do you live in fear.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Souper Bowl of Caring

On February 4 the Confirmation will be out with their soup bowls collecting your loose change. Please donate any loose $ you would like to The Souper Bowl of Caring. The confirmation will donate all proceeds to charity. This is an annual event that churches all over Houston participate in and we are proud to be a part of. Thanks for your support!

Confirmation vs. Crew

Wed. Jan 31 The CREW will take on the Confirmation in a battle to the finish. Be at Lazer Rage at 7 pm to compete. Mike Black will lead the confirmation and Russ Walker will lead the CREW. Cost is $10 per person. Contact Amber for information.

IMPORTANT CREW meeting tonight

If you plan on attending the mission trip this summer I really need you to attend CREW tonght.
We only have 6 months to plan this trip and we need to start now. Please be here Sunday at 6 to find out your team and meet your leader. If you have not turned in your deposit for this trip you have until Jan 31. Call me if you have questions. Thanks