Thursday, May 18, 2006

Hosanna Cyberline for Thursday, May 18

Good evening to the Hosanna Community, from Dale Bargmann

I've been checking our website ( statistics and discovered a drop in the number of users on Fridays. I guess everyone would rather party or do other things rather than get the latest info off the Hosanna website. Maybe Thursday would be a better day to brief everyone. I have a number of things to tell you about. So, here we go...
A reminder about the baby shower for Karole Coleman this Saturday, May 20 @ 2 PM. Little Zach would love some new clothes and other goodies, even though he can't say so himself.
This past Wednesday, Bob Dejmal told us that some misinformation was sent out about the Habitat for Humanity Work Day this Saturday.There will be no work day, but a dedication. So, no pounding nails and sawing this weekend.

For those who have been unable to view the "From the Heart" DVD that came in the Pony Express bags, I have uploaded it to the Hosanna website. Click the "From the Heart" picture on the Home Page. Then click the link in the right column. Be patient. It takes a couple minutes to load (17.7 MB). You may need to download the FREE Apple QuickTime Player to your computer first. I have provided links for both Mac and Windows XP. I tested it on both my Mac at home and my PC at the office and it opens fine on both systems. If you still have trouble, stop by my office and I'll set a computer up so you can see it there.

Wednesday, May 24: The regular Wednesday morning Bible study gang will be heading to the Loews Spring 10 Theaters, 20115 Holzwarth Rd. to view the movie version of the Da Vinci Code. Start time is noon. Be there by 11:45 AM to get tickets. Anyone is invited to join us. Many of us are planning to meet around 10 AM at the nearby Denny's for a late breakfast/early lunch.
Pastor David and I will be posting information on this blog on a regular basis. Other Hosanna staff members may join us from time to time.

The advantage to a "blog" is anyone can add comments that can be read by anyone else using the Hosanna site. We can also add photos and other images. Another advantage: Blogs are free! Anyone can sign up for a personal Blog and become a "Blogger." You don't have to mess with setting up email address books, either.
Don't forget, there is still an opportunity to capture matching funds for "Sharing Hosanna's Blessings" by the end of May. I was informed this week that we are now at the 30% matching funds level.

The big event this weekend is, of course, the 30th anniversary celebration Sunday, May 21st. There will be one worship service @ 10:30 AM, preceded by Adult Education/Sunday School. Our own Pastor Rob Moore, assistant to the Bishop, will be preaching. The Fidelis String Quartet, made up of members of the Houston Symphony, will provide special music.

After worship we will party with a good ol' Texas barbecue. Invite neighbors and friends and come dressed in your best rodeo/western garb.

Sunday, May 28: Start of Summer Sunday School. There will be two groups this year. The older kids (and any adults who wish to join in), will board Air Hosanna for a flight from Houston to Tel Aviv, Israel. Over consecutive weeks we will travel to many of the places mentioned in connection with Jesus' life and ministry, including Bethlehem, Capernaum, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Jericho, the Sea of Galilee and more. Grab your boarding passes and find your seats.

Coming in June: All aboard the Gospel Express is the theme for this year's Vacation Bible School, June 5-9. Sign up at the table in the Narthex. Cost is $25 for the first child, $10 for each additional child. Help is needed to teach and assist. Call Amber Walker to volunteer.

Louis Edmunds, a former New Orleans Saints cheerleader, who does the tumbling instruction at Hosanna, will be conducting two 4-week gymnastics camps for kids in June and July. See the calendar for details (dates and cost).

Nickie Brooks informed me that last weekend's big garage sale netted over $2,300. We don't have a final total yet. I'll let you know later. Nickie again expresses her thanks to all those who worked on the sale and donated goods. Unsold donations were picked up by Northwest Assistance Ministries and taken to the Second Chance Resale store.

Sunday, May 28: The Blood Mobile returns to Hosanna. Donate and save a life.

The Denny's CREW breakfast is also this Sunday.

Mulkey Scholarship Applications are due by May 31st.

Two important announcements: June 4 is the next congregational meeting to elect officers and other matters. We need a good showing, 40 + for a quorum. As usual there will be great food so your stomach won't be overheard voicing an objection.

Second, S.O.S. (Surviving Over the Summer): NAM, short for Northwest Assistance Ministries (Hosanna is a founding congregation), is in serious need of non-perishable food and money donations to aid those in need over the summer months. Stuff the NAM pantry in the Narthex full and place checks in the offering over the next three months.

A few words about retirement:
Question: How many days in a week?
Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday

Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.

Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb?
Answer: Only one, but it might take all day.
Question: What's the biggest gripe of retirees?
Answer: There is not enough time to get everything done.

Question: Why don't retirees mind being called Seniors?
Answer: The term comes with a 10% percent discount.
Question: Among retirees what is considered formal attire?
Answer: Tied shoes.
Question: Why do retirees count pennies?
Answer: They are the only ones who have the time.
Question: What is the common term for someone who enjoys work and refuses to retire?
Answer: NUTS!
Question: Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage?
Answer! : They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there.

Question: What do retirees call a long lunch?
Answer: Normal.
Question: What is the best way to describe retirement?
Answers: The never ending Coffee Break

Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree?
Answer: If you cut classes, no one calls your parents.
Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn't miss work, but misses the people he used to work with?
Answer: He is too polite to tell the whole truth.

Bye till next week. Dale Bargmann, Hosanna Communications  

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