Tuesday, October 24, 2006

4th quarter priorities

At the September 17th council meeting, the leadership of Hosanna approved the following priority spending goals for the final quarter of 2006:
1. Building Maintenance:$10500, (insurance, utilities)2.Staff and Administrative Support: $58000 3. Benevolence: $4800 4.Repaying designated funds: $8608 5. Care $2050: This includes giving money to NAM, Habitat for Humanity,
6. Discipleship $1741 This includes Jr High youth gathering and Sunday School
Expenses 7. Spiritual Life $ 390 This includes special Christmas music.
8. Stewardship $ 10826 This includes cleaning carpets and sanctuary chairs, resealing the parking lot and money for our upcoming January Stewardship Appeal. 9.Gift for 2007 $10000
The total to fully fund all of our priorities is$106,915.
To accomplish these priorities, we are asking that everyone become excited about what we can do together and give as God calls you to give.,
We also continue to thank God for those who share their time. We have ample opportunities for people to serve. Contact any one of the team leaders for guidance.

In the Lord’s service,
Your Church Council Leadership

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