Saturday, February 17, 2007


As there were not enough members present to qualify for a quorum, the following items were presented for information purposes only.

National Church Development was presented by Pastor Tart and President Jeff Hartmann. Pastor Tart began by explaining what NCD is and that it is a long, ongoing process that results in a healthier and better church. There will be a Health Team, chaired by Lorraine Moore. George Posey and Jo Oddo have already volunteered to be on that team. The Health Team will make decisions and the ELCA has already approved the process. There will be a Coach, (outside observer) who will monitor the process and lead us in a forward motion. The process will consist of written surveys. These surveys will be given to 30 randomly selected, active, confirmed members. There will be more than one survey and each survey costs $200.00 for the 30 member team. Data from these surveys will be used to make recommendations for a better church. With each new survey, 30 different members will be chosen to participate. As was mentioned before, this is an ongoing process that will take years to complete.

Finance Team Leader, Ed Williams, discussed the Finance Report that was contained in the meeting packet..

A surprise presentation was made to Jo Oddo by Pastor Tart. Pastor Tart presented Jo with Carmine Stahl’s Communion Kit to use in her ministry. Carmine wanted to give the kit to Jo in appreciation of her continued devotion to her ministry both to him and to Mary Lou as well as other members of the congregation. Jo was speechless at first but was able to address the congregation with a very interesting and entertaining message. She started out with the question, “Is it I Lord?” with regard to how she started out on this special path that she has chosen in her ministry to Hosanna. She assured the members that any and all discussions that are held in her visits are kept completely confidential and that Pastor Tart is the only other person involved in this care.

For the Good of the Church – Pastor Erbey Gonzales spoke on the proposal to have a Spanish Saturday Evening Service. Pastor Erbey spoke at length on the Ministry that will be the Spanish and Bi-Lingual services. The first service in Spanish will be held on the last Saturday in February at 6:00 pm. There will also be Bi-Lingual services, e.g. Easter Vigil, for the purpose of bringing everyone together. There is funding in place for six months from a grant but at some point in time, Hosanna will take ownership of this ministry. There is a plan to form a Host Team of six (6) people to open up the church on Saturdays and to stay around to welcome and assist.

Pastor Gonzales was followed by Pastor Roberto Navarro, a retired Pastor who also related the need for this type of service. He explained that many of the people who have a need for these services are also people in crisis who especially have a need for Spiritual Guidance. He related that the folks who want to participate have many talents and that they want to share them with the church.

Thanks were given for the meal, (lasagna and salad with garlic bread for those who missed the meeting.)

Dale Bargmann reminded everyone that there will be bible study on Wednesday nights and that he is working on a CD/DVD titled “Hosanna Is” which will be used to advise the surrounding neighborhood that Hosanna is there and what we are about.

There will be a Special Congregation Meeting on February 25, 2007 for the purpose of voting on the following:

Minutes of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Congregation Meeting of February 12, 2006.

Minutes of the December 3, 2006 Congregation Meeting.

Approval of 2006 Annual Reports

Election of Voting Members and Alternates to the 2007 Synod Assembly, May 31 – June 2 in The Woodlands.

Ratification of Amendments

Maureen Kennedy

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