Thursday, March 29, 2007

Mary Frerking in prayers today

Mary Frerking, 13 month old daughter of Stephen and Kristi, is having an outpatient surgery procedure for her ears today. Please pray for a safe proceedure. -Pastor Tart

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Let's Pack the Pews at Park Place Lutheran Church

If anyone is interested in this contact Pastor Tart

Let's Pack the Pews at Park Place Lutheran Church, 8130 Park Place Blvd., Houston, on Sunday, April 22. Worship at Park Place begins at 9:00 a.m.

Park Place Lutheran will be closing some time this year. Before they close let's remember to say thank you to them.

The faithful at Park Place Lutheran have been sustained in Word and Sacrament ministry for many years. Their ministry has reached far and wide. They have touched the lives of many people in our congregations and in their community.

At Faith Lutheran, Bellaire, we are in the study of worship in the month of April. As we made plans we decided to worship with Park Place Lutheran to express our thanks. And then it was suggested to us to invite the rest of the area congregations to share this gratitude. Great idea!

Let's Pack the Pews! The sanctuary seats 500 worshipers. So, talk it up. Help people to carpool. Set them on the road in time for worship at 9:00 a.m. And for those who stay behind to worship at your church, please include Park Place Lutheran in your prayers.

Volunteers from Faith Lutheran are providing food after the service. (Did I say that the food comes without cost?) Encourage your folks stay for the free food, but we will need to have a rough estimate of the number of people attending so that enough food is prepared. (give us those rough numbers by April 17. 713-664-3048)

We also want to give a few minutes to any persons who want to share a story about Park Place. That will be done over food.

Have any questions. Give me a call. Herb Palmer at Faith Lutheran, Bellaire, 713-664-3048.

Get the word out as people gather to worship on Palm Sunday and Easter. Let's Pack the Pews at Park Place!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Are You Called to Serve at Hosanna?

The Hosanna Constitution states that the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary, the Secretary, and leaders of the Ministry Teams shall be elected by the congregation in odd-numbered years. This election will occur on June 3, and those elected will take office September 1.
The responsibility of preparing a slate of nominees for the June meeting belongs to the Lay Leadership Team. This team identifies willing individuals whose passions and gifts match the needs of the ministries, and issues calls to service to those individuals.
The Lay Leadership Team is requesting the help of the congregation in this process. On several Sundays in April and May forms will be handed out that will give members of the congregation the confidential opportunity to suggest themselves or others for consideration as nominees for the positions below.
Suggestions can also be made by e-mailing Teresa Albin before May 15th at In your email please state what you think qualifies this person to serve in this ministry.
The Lay Leadership Team will contact all individuals suggested to ascertain their willingness to serve, so you do not need to get the prior consent of the people you suggest. Nominees will be selected from those suggested to present to the congregation for election.
You may use a form found on our website on the documents-forms-policy page or one that will be distributed on Sunday morning beginning April 15.
Oversees the books of the accounts of this congregation; receives and oversees the distribution of all funds upon proper authorization; makes regular remittance of benevolence payments to the synod; report to the Finance Team at each of its regular meetings; and makes a full financial report at the annual meeting of the congregation.
Currently serving: George Carlson (eligible for re-election)
Financial Secretary
Maintains confidential records of member giving; serves as the coordinator of all collections of the church; responsible for preparation of individual statements of giving for each member and related general reporting to the Stewardship Team, the Finance Team, and the congregation.
Currently serving: Ann Dobberfuhl (eligible to serve first full term)
Keeps minutes of the meetings of the congregation and the Congregation Council, issues notice of all meetings; works with the President to prepare agendas; maintains the congregation policy manual; and handles general congregation correspondence.
Currently serving: Maureen Kennedy (eligible to serve another term)
Care Team Leader
The purpose of the Care Team is help members care for each other and for the community. This includes ministries of service, fellowship, compassion and pastoral care.
Currently serving: Karole Coleman (will not run for reelection)
Discipleship Team Leader
The purpose of the Discipleship Team is to help members grow in their faith and share it with others, both within and outside of the congregation. This includes ministries of learning, youth and family, witnessing, and outreach.
Currently serving: Darryl Brown (not eligible to serve another term)
Spiritual Life Team Leader
The purpose of the Spiritual Life Team is to help members keep the presence and grace of God at the center of their lives together. This includes ministries of worship, prayer, music and devotional life.
Currently serving: Alysha Reed (eligible to serve a second term)
Stewardship Team Leader
The purpose of the Stewardship Team is to help God’s people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of time, talents and finances that God has entrusted to them. This includes ministries of property maintenance, giving and benevolence, personal financial management, and holistic health care
Currently serving: Nancy Agafitei (in discernment about a second term)

Habitat for Humanity and Thrivent Build

Another Family Needs Our Help Last year, through the Thrivent Builds with NW Harris County Habitat project, our Churches did more than help build a house. You brought the Williams Family home! Thanks to all volunteers from within and without the Lutheran Churches in Houston area, as well as other local volunteers, the Williams family now has a chance at economic independence. Your response was overwhelming, the outcome, life changing - not only for the homeowner family but for all those who worked side-by-side with them. This year we will partner with Natalie & Chris Gite and their four children, ages 14-12-9-3. They currently live in two bedrooms in the home of Chris's brother and sister-in-law (in total nine people are sharing a small three bedroom home). They moved out of their prior home because it was beyond repair and uninhabitable. Chris works at Randstad. The Gites are honest, hard-working folks determined to make things better for their family. The Thrivent Builds project, located in Tomball, begins on March 31 and continues through October 6; taking a break from July through August. According to the requirement of the program 50% of the construction volunteers must be Lutheran. Thrivent is providing 65% of the house cost, Habitat is providing 25% and the Thrivent members and Lutherans are raising 10%. Raising funds is not required to volunteer, however, fund-raising is essential. If each Lutheran church in this area contributes $291.50 we will reach our goal of raising $5,830. Habitat’s 3 bedroom/1 bath home is 1120 square feet and costs $45,000 to build. That equates to about $40 per square foot for our Habitat houses. Can you sponsor a square foot? The bathroom? Or maybe even a bedroom? Call Lydia Schumann on 281-469-0931, or after hours 281-380-9196. E-mail me at Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sincerely,Lydia Schumann Financial Office Administrative Professional Texas Region Champions Park Associates 9720 Cypresswood Drive, Suite 120, Houston, TX 77070 Office: 281-469-0931 Toll-free: 888-873-8335 Fax: 281-894-4305 Email:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sympathy to Pam Smith and family

Sympathy to Pam Smith on the loss of her 100 year old grandmother,
Harriet Scharringhausen. May the great God of peace and love surround the family as they give thanks to God for her long and beautiful life. -Pastor Tart

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

April Family Life Update

This is a busy month, so let's get going...
Breakfast at Denny's on April 1. Meet in the CREW room
Easter Breakfast Fundraiser on April 8 from 8-12. Free will offering.
Jr. Day at TLU. We leave at 7 am on April 21 and get back at noon on Sunday, $25 cost.
Remember: our trip is coming up soon. Final costs will be available after Mother's Day.
No CREW on April 8 because of Easter.

Maunday Thursday Family Service is April 5 at 6:15. This is a great service to bring young children and invite friends to visit.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt is April 7 at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. Please bring a snack to share that morning. Confirmation will be in charge. See Valerie Oden for more information.

VBS: We will be having an evening VBS this year the week of June 11-15. This will include a dinner served at 5:30. If you would like to be involved please contact Amber or Susan Greer. We will also have a table set up for donations for crafts and games. Please pick up a list of items needed and consider helping out. Thanks!

Easter Egg Hunt

Hosanna will have it's annual Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7 at 10 am. To prepare for this, Confirmation is asking for donations of candy and small toys to be left in the narthex. All candy must be individually wrapped and received by April 1. Please see Valerie Oden for questions.

Second Quarter Spending Priorities (April-June)

2007 Second Quarter Spending Priorities
Critical Items are those that we are legally and financially obligated to pay. The rest are paid based on income. The leadership establishes the priorities and the Finance Team determines when these can be funded.
We want to continue to attach our offerings with our mission. We ask that you consider to be generous based on your own spiritual journey with Christ. The more we give the more wonderful work we can do in Christ's name. We are thankful for everyone's support with both time and treasure. Without you Hosanna can not be.
At our April 15 congregation meeting everyone can have an opportunity to comment or ask questions about this process. Because of congregation action and finance team recommendation, the council leadership reluctantly moved benevolence from critical to high priority item.
-Pastor Tart

1. Critical Building Maintenance (utilities, repair, lawn mowing): 11398
2. Critical Staff Support and Administration: (salaries, benefits, phone, office contracts) 58000
3. Critical Finance Team (insurance): 2300
4. Lay Leadership (synod assembly): 800
5. Care (Habitat for Humanity covenant) 500
6. Discipleship ( crew summer trip, vacation bible school, The Lutheran, devotional
booklets, faith chests): 4863
7. Spiritual life (Easter music) : 360
9. Benevolence: 5400
10. Mission Focus (NCD Survey) : 200
11. Stewardship (cleaning of carpets, nave remodeling, bell tower repainting): 2990

Total: 86811

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sympathy to Ronnie Gunhouse and family

We extend our sympathy to Ronnie Gunhouse and family on the loss of his father, Gerald Gunhouse. Services are pending at Klein Funeral Home. -Pastor Tart

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thoughts that seem important by Pastor Tart

Recently there was a documentary that proposed that a group of archeologist had “discovered the family tomb of Jesus”. By the using of evidence that would never stand up in a court of law or even be acknowledged as legitimate by most scholars, they conjure up the idea that a collection of bones in boxes with names inscribed on them belong to the family of Jesus. I watched the program and heard their presentation to only in the end shake my head. After 2000 years people are still looking for a dead body. I thought to myself, “go ahead and dig in the dirt and speculate, because I don’t have to dig for Jesus. I have to only see the power of his presence today and know that he lives.” He just is not some hole in the ground.
When I see the people of God gathered as one around the meal of Jesus, I know he lives. When I see people find new hope and new lives because of the grace of the cross, I know that he lives. When I stand next to a grave and find faith that yes I will see this person again, I know he lives. When I pray to him and have my worries lifted off my shoulders, I know that he lives.
I don’t have to dig in holes to find Jesus, I have only to believe and lift up my voice with the baptized and sing, “I know that my redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead; he lives, my everliving head!” ( words by Samuel Medley)
Yes he lives and his presence and power fills our lives today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sympathy to Nancy Agafitei and family

Our prayers are with Nancy and family in the loss of her uncle, Howard Edmunds of Houston. -Pastor Tart

CREW T-shirts

This is the last Sunday to place your order for a spring CREW t-shirt. You may order a pink w/lime lettering or turquoise w/lime lettering shirt. The cost is $11. You can leave your size and money in my mail slot or give it to me. Next years freshman may want to order now. Anyone can place an order!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Spring Retreats at Lutherill

The annual Spring Retreat us coming up soon. This event is a great chance to come out to Lutherhill and hang out with old friends and make some new ones. Youth will get a chance to play games, canoe, and worship in the outdoors. See Amber if you would like a registration form. Here are the details:
Session 1: 7 pm Friday, March 23 to 4 pm March 24th for 3rd - 6th grade
Session 2: 7 pm Saturday, March 30th to 4 pm Sunday, March 31st for Jr. and Sr High.
Cost is $50 per youth.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Valerie is home

Valerie Oden came home today from St. Lukes. She is doing much bettter- Pastor Tart

Valerie update

I visited with Valerie and Ted yesterday and found them both in good spirits. The surgery might not be necessary. They are not sure of the diagnosis, but think she has viral meningitis. (all of this she has given me permission to share) She is still at St. Luke's downtown in room 2262 (yellow elevators). She appreciates the expressions of love and support from her Hosanna community. I think the best way to support her is with prayer, cards or offer to bring food by when she comes home. -Pastor Tart

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Valerie Oden Update

Valerie surgery has been postponed and we are waiting more tests results- Pastor Tart

Valerie Oden Update

Valerie has been moved to St. Lukes Downtown for surgery this morning. For information contact Pastor Tart at the office