Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thoughts that seem important by Pastor Tart

Recently there was a documentary that proposed that a group of archeologist had “discovered the family tomb of Jesus”. By the using of evidence that would never stand up in a court of law or even be acknowledged as legitimate by most scholars, they conjure up the idea that a collection of bones in boxes with names inscribed on them belong to the family of Jesus. I watched the program and heard their presentation to only in the end shake my head. After 2000 years people are still looking for a dead body. I thought to myself, “go ahead and dig in the dirt and speculate, because I don’t have to dig for Jesus. I have to only see the power of his presence today and know that he lives.” He just is not some hole in the ground.
When I see the people of God gathered as one around the meal of Jesus, I know he lives. When I see people find new hope and new lives because of the grace of the cross, I know that he lives. When I stand next to a grave and find faith that yes I will see this person again, I know he lives. When I pray to him and have my worries lifted off my shoulders, I know that he lives.
I don’t have to dig in holes to find Jesus, I have only to believe and lift up my voice with the baptized and sing, “I know that my redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead; he lives, my everliving head!” ( words by Samuel Medley)
Yes he lives and his presence and power fills our lives today.

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