Our Hosanna council in December voted for the following priorities for the first quarter of 2007.
- 1. Building Maintenance: $12,834.00, This covers utilities, insurance, needed repairs, cleaning supplies.
- 2. Staff Support: $58,000 This covers salaries, continuing education and benefits for our staff, copier contract, postage, January theological conference for Cantor Gay and Pastor Tart
- 3. Benevolence to our synod: $5400 This supports the work of our wider church
- 4. Discipleship ministries: $3700 This includes subsidies and scholarship for our youth and sponsors to attend summer camp and the senior high February retreat and our subscriptions to the Lutheran magazine
- 5. Natural Church Development (NCD): $200 This is for a survey that will begin a process of lifting up the quality of our ministries. We will have a presentation at the February congregation meeting.
- 6. Stewardship Ministries: $4234.00 This includes carpet cleaning, mowing of grounds, program materials for our 2007 appeal and purchasing offering envelopes for 2008 (the sooner we buy them the more we save)
The finance team feels confident that we can collect $75,000 for the first quarter if we continue to be generous with our giving. This means that we are sure to support the first 3 priories. The rest will depend on our response and how we finish in 2006.
The principle continues to remain simple -The more we give the more we do.
Thank you for your continued support and loving the work of our Lord at Hosanna. Your love is outstanding and gives the leadership great joy. –Pastor Tart
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