Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts that seem important for January by Pastor Tart

The other day I was stuck in traffic. I mean this was a classic jam with no one moving. As it turned out, a traffic light was stuck on red and people were just idling their cars waiting for a green that would never come.

I wonder if life on this eve of the New Year doesn’t sometime feel like we are stuck at a red light. Maybe it is our guilt over something we have done or failed to do. Maybe it is fear of disaster. Or maybe it is a sense that there are external events that keep happening that prevents us from moving forward. (I think there are many who feel this way about the situation in the Middle East) We just feel like we are idling at the red light waiting for something to happen. We just have a stuck feeling.

In this Epiphany Season we celebrate the light of Christ shining in the world. I would like us to think about that light not being a white blinding light, but a glaring green light like a drag racer sees when he or she hammers down on the throttle. The light of Christ says that life is not to be spent on red, but on green. His grace, his power, and his guidance lead us to action in doing his great work in the world. We have a green light to love, share, give, serve, praise, witness, reconcile, learn and pray. The church of Jesus does not get stuck in traffic jams, but barrels down the raceway with the “peddle to the medal.”

Remember: The green light of the Gospel.

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