Wednesday, September 20, 2006

From the Council President, Jeff Hartmann

Dear Friends in Christ,

Fall is here and we are back in full swing at Hosanna. September 10 was a big day here. First, we held an exciting and successful Rally Day for our new Akaloo, computer assisted, Sunday School program. Many thanks to the Welshons for the laptop used by the Sunday School. That afternoon, we conducted our first Congregational Meeting with the new Council. Though we have sometimes struggled to achieve a quorum for these meetings, there was no such struggle this time as well over 60 members attended as well as several guests and visitors. Thanks go out to “Growing Hosanna” for such great hospitality and such a great meal! My own daughter was one of the lucky winners of a door prizes and now “Bob” the Beta is a valued member of our family. The vote to increase our commitment to youth and family ministry was a “Leap of Faith” that provides us another challenge to face together.
The first Council meeting of the fall was a long and productive one. This Council looks forward to working and growing together. We are working to improve communication with each other and with the congregation. As technology increases, it seems that too many options can actually decrease communication. These issues will be ironed out. Care is a priority issue for this quarter. On the heels of Pastor Tart’s sermon on the Prosperity Gospel preached in some churches, we think of Hosanna’s great history of helping and giving. This is a great part of what we are and we will continue to be a caring congregation.
Finally, Thank You, the Congregation of Hosanna Lutheran Church for the opportunity to serve. I look forward to all of the opportunities that this job presents. Please let me know all your cares and concerns. Together we make Hosanna great.

Jeff Hartmann
Congreation Council President 9/2006

1 comment:

Debbie said...


You are going to be a great president! Congrats on your first blog. Thanks for keeping us informed. And if "Bob" suddenly doesn't get the attention he deserves, my children would love to adopt him!