Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pastor's Discretionary Fund

The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund is a fund that I control to support special needs and projects related the ministry of Hosanna Lutheran. Some of these needs can be financial difficulty of members, and sometimes they are special projects associated with one of our ministries.
The staff support team and care team has asked me to provide funds for the expenses of our volunteer Pastoral Care Assistant, Jo Oddo. These expenses include office and mileage.
I am also partially supporting financially the English as Second Language teacher, Valaria Islam,
These two projects have put added pressure on the fund. I would like to invite the members of Hosanna to join Kathryn and I in supporting these two worthy causes. I would very much appreciate any contributions. The total I would like to raise is around $900.00. If you would like to contribute, mark an envelope, “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund” and place in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. Thank you and God bless!

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