Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Synod Question for October

We are in a year of transition in our synod as we prepare for the election of a new bishop in June. The synod leadership is asking all the congregations to discuss and submit responses to a monthly question. Hosanna has started an online blog for us to respond to these questions. The question for October is "As we seek to discern where God is calling and leading us as a synod in the next six years, what should be our strategy for "passing on the faith" to the next generations and to the young persons who've not yet reached the age of 40?" The blog address is http://synodquestions.blogspot.com. Just add your comment to the question.
I want to encourage all the membership to take some time and share your thoughts.
You may also write your answers and send them to the church office or email them to Pastor Tart (david.tart@welcometohosanna.com)

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